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What are the steps in having iLASIK Treatment?

Vision correction with iLASIK will not take long to succeed in changing a deformed corneal curvature causing nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism by following these steps:

  • Eye examination of the patient if he is suitable to have iLASIK treatment by an Ophthalmologist through a 3D mapping of the corneal surface.


  • The Ophthalmologist will set an appointment for the surgery day.  The patient will receive antibiotics and anesthetic eye drops to eliminate pain during the procedure.


  • The Ophthalmologist will then perform the procedure in reshaping the corneal curvature according to the treatment plan as analyzed by the computer system. The Ophthalmologist is in control of the whole process.


  • At the end of the vision correction procedure, the patient will be given instructions by the staff and will be advised to wear an eye shield or sunglasses.
  • The Ophthalmologist will ask the patient to return for a follow up treatment after 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, 3 months and 1 year. In case of unusual symptoms, you can make an appointment to consult the Ophthalmologist at once.